Sound Visualization / “block city” Taipei, Taiwan
The sounds of the streets of Taipei (Taiwan) were recorded and used to create “sound visualization art”. These were then printed on paper and minted.
Generative art / Code art
Field recording in Taipei, Taiwan
Plot / A3(297mm×420mm)
// Sound visualization
block city / Taipei Taiwan
Size: 4961 x 3508 px (A3) JPG
Created: February 10, 2023
Paper: Drawing paper White
Pen: ballpoint(0.5) B4 Black
Pen plotter: AxiDraw SE/A3
// Sound
Field recording
Feb 9, 2023 / 9:30AM (TST)
25.05411773, 121.5141250
Field Recording Device
► zoom F3
► LOM basicUcho
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
One minute
Wallpapers “block city” Sound Visualization
I made wallpapers for mobile. If you like these, please feel free to download.