The Strange Attractors | Code and Equations
The Strange Attractor draws a chaotic and beautiful trajectory. Many code artists use it to create graphics using these code because these allow them to record trajectories (numerical values) in space over time.
This article introduces examples of works using Strange Attractor, as well as some sample code and output results.
- Sample Graphic of barbe_generative_diary
- Sample Code with openFrameworks
- The Strange Attractors
The Aizawa Attractor
The Chua Attractor
The Halvorsen Attractor
The Lorenz Attractor
The Newton – Leipnik Attractor
Sample Graphic of barbe_generative_diary
This is a barbe_generative_diary’s graphic sample using Strange Attractor.
Sample Code for openFrameworks
The sample code uses openFrameworks, but these Attractor formulas can also be used with other tools such as Processing.
#pragma once
#include "ofMain.h"
class ofApp : public ofBaseApp{
void setup() override;
void update() override;
void draw() override;
void exit() override;
void keyPressed(int key) override;
void keyReleased(int key) override;
void mouseMoved(int x, int y ) override;
void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button) override;
void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button) override;
void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button) override;
void mouseScrolled(int x, int y, float scrollX, float scrollY) override;
void mouseEntered(int x, int y) override;
void mouseExited(int x, int y) override;
void windowResized(int w, int h) override;
void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo) override;
void gotMessage(ofMessage msg) override;
void aizawaAtt();
void chuaAtt();
void halvorsenAtt();
void lorenzAtt();
void newtonLeipnikAtt();
float x, y, z;
float alpha; // α
float beta; // β
float camma; // γ
float delta; // δ
float epsilon; // ε
float zehta; // ζ
float rho; // ρ
float Gx;
float dt; // time
float scale;
vector pos;
// ofEasyCam camera;
#include "ofApp.h"
void ofApp::setup(){
x = 0.01;
y = 0;
z = 0;
void ofApp::update(){
pos.push_back(glm::vec3(x, y, z));
void ofApp::draw(){
// camera.begin();
ofTranslate(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2);
// chuaAtt();
// halvorsenAtt();
// lorenzAtt();
// newtonLeipnikAtt();
for(glm::vec3 v : pos){
ofVertex(v.x * scale, v.y * scale, v.z * scale);
// camera.end();
void ofApp::aizawaAtt(){
alpha = 0.95; // α
beta = 0.7; // β
camma = 0.6; // γ
delta = 3.5; // δ
epsilon = 0.25; // ε
zehta = 0.1; // ρ
scale = 150.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = (z - beta) * x - delta * y;
float dy = delta * x + (z - beta) * y;
float dz = camma + alpha * z - pow(z,3) / 3 - (pow(x,2) + pow(y,2)) * (1 + epsilon * z) + zehta * z * pow(x,3);
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
void ofApp::chuaAtt(){
alpha = 15.6; // α
beta = 1.0; // β
camma = 25.58; // γ
delta = -1; // δ
epsilon = 0; // ε
Gx = epsilon*x + (delta + epsilon) * (abs(x + 1) - abs(x - 1));
scale = 60.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = alpha * (y - x - Gx);
float dy = beta * (x - y + z);
float dz = -(camma * y);
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
void ofApp::halvorsenAtt(){
alpha = 1.4; // α
scale = 25.0;
dt = 0.005;
float dx = -alpha*x -4*y -4*z - y*y;
float dy = -alpha*y -4*z -4*x - z*z;
float dz = -alpha*z -4*x -4*y - x*x;
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
void ofApp::lorenzAtt(){
beta = 8.0/3.0; // β
delta = 10; // δ
rho = 28; // ρ
scale = 7.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = (delta * (y - x));
float dy = (x * (rho - z) - y);
float dz = (x * y - beta * z);
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
void ofApp::newtonLeipnikAtt(){
alpha = 0.4; // α
beta = 0.175; // β
scale = 300.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = -alpha * x + y + 10 * y * z;
float dy = -x - 0.4 * y + 5 * x * z;
float dz = beta * z - 5 * x * y;
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
The Strange Attractors
The Aizawa Attractor
dx/dt = (z – β)x – δy
dy/dt = δx + (z – β)y
dz/dt = γ + αz – pow(z,3) / 3 – (pow(x,2) + pow(y,2))(1 + ε * z) + ρz pow(x,3)
α = 0.95
β = 0.7
γ = 0.6
δ = 3.5
ε = 0.25
ρ = 0.1
dt = 0.01
void ofApp::aizawaAtt(){
alpha = 0.95; // α
beta = 0.7; // β
camma = 0.6; // γ
delta = 3.5; // δ
epsilon = 0.25; // ε
zehta = 0.1; // ρ
scale = 150.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = (z - beta) * x - delta * y;
float dy = delta * x + (z - beta) * y;
float dz = camma + alpha * z - pow(z,3) / 3 - (pow(x,2) + pow(y,2)) * (1 + epsilon * z) + zehta * z * pow(x,3);
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
The Chua Attractor
dx/dt = α(y – x – G(x))
dy/dt = β(x – y + z)
dz/dt = -γy
α = 15.6
β = 1.0
γ = 25.58
δ = -1
ε = 0
G(x) = εx + (δ + ε)(abs(x + 1) – abs(x – 1))
dt = 0.01
void ofApp::chuaAtt(){
alpha = 15.6; // α
beta = 1.0; // β
camma = 25.58; // γ
delta = -1; // δ
epsilon = 0; // ε
Gx = epsilon*x + (delta + epsilon) * (abs(x + 1) - abs(x - 1));
scale = 60.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = alpha * (y - x - Gx);
float dy = beta * (x - y + z);
float dz = -(camma * y);
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
The Halvorsen Attractor
dx/dt = -αx – 4y – 4z – yy
dy/dt = -αy – 4z – 4x – zz
dz/dt = -αz – 4x – 4y – xx
α = 1.4
dt = 0.005
void ofApp::halvorsenAtt(){
alpha = 1.4; // α
scale = 25.0;
dt = 0.005;
float dx = -alpha*x -4*y -4*z - y*y;
float dy = -alpha*y -4*z -4*x - z*z;
float dz = -alpha*z -4*x -4*y - x*x;
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
The Lorenz Attractor
dx/dt = δ(y – x)
dy/dt = x(ρ – z) – y
dz/dt = xy – βz
β = 8.0/3.0
δ = 10
ρ = 28
dt = 0.01
void ofApp::lorenzAtt(){
beta = 8.0/3.0; // β
delta = 10; // δ
rho = 28; // ρ
scale = 7.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = (delta * (y - x));
float dy = (x * (rho - z) - y);
float dz = (x * y - beta * z);
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
The Newton – Lepnik Attractor
dx/dt = -αx + y + 10yz
dy/dt = -x – 0.4y + 5xz
dz/dt = βz – 5xy
α = 0.4
β = 0.175
dt = 0.01
void ofApp::newtonLeipnikAtt(){
alpha = 0.4; // α
beta = 0.175; // β
scale = 300.0;
dt = 0.01;
float dx = -alpha * x + y + 10 * y * z;
float dy = -x - 0.4 * y + 5 * x * z;
float dz = beta * z - 5 * x * y;
x = x + dx * dt;
y = y + dy * dt;
z = z + dz * dt;
Recommended Book / Generative art for beginner
Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing – Matt Pearson
Generative Art presents both the techniques and the beauty of algorithmic art. In it, you’ll find dozens of high-quality examples of generative art, along with the specific steps the author followed to create each unique piece using the Processing programming language. The book includes concise tutorials for each of the technical components required to create the book’s images, and it offers countless suggestions for how you can combine and reuse the various techniques to create your own works.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
► Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing – Matt Pearson
Publication date: 2011. July