How to get started with Field Recording. barbe_generative_diary SOUNDS
In recent years, the term “field recording” has become increasingly common. This article is designed as a beginner’s guide for those interested in exploring the world of field recording. Here’s how to get started.

barbe_generative_diary SOUNDS
I began field recording to collect sound material for creating experimental code art called “sound visualization.” I am self-taught in sound recording and in creating experimental art.
How to get started with Field Recording.
I feel like I’ve been hearing the term “field recording” more and more in recent years. In this article, I will answer questions like “What is field recording?” and “I want to try field recording, but I don’t know where to start.”
- Index
What is “Field recording”?
Why record sounds instead of taking pictures?
Get started with field recording.
Gear Needed for Field Recording
What is “Field recording”?
Generally, when people hear the term “field recording,” they imagine scenes recorded in nature, such as forests and rivers. However, field recording also includes artificial environments where people gather, such as towns, train stations, and airports. Here, “field recording” refers to any recording made outside a fully controlled studio environment.
Field recordings capture the echoes of spaces and the passage of time through microphones. Listening to these recordings reminds us that we live among a multitude of sounds.

Why record sounds instead of taking pictures?
Now that everyone can take pictures with their smartphones, many people capture photos for personal records without sharing them. However, I haven’t seen many people recording sound in the same way.
I believe the appeal of recording lies in its ambiguity. Typically, we obtain about 80% of our perceptual information from sight and around 10% from hearing. Recordings aren’t as clear as photographs, but their unique ambiguity allows us to experience new sensations that change over time and connect them to our own experiences and memories.

Get started with field recording.
A quick way to experience field recording is to use a recording function application (voice memo) on your smartphone. When recorded through a microphone, the sound of the surroundings is recorded evenly, giving a different impression than what we normally hear with our ears. This is because our ears are very sophisticated and have a natural mechanism to focus our hearing on an object in order to hear the sound we want to hear. This is the so-called cocktail party effect.
When we pass a microphone, this effect is lost and everything is recorded uniformly. On playback, our ears hear more sounds than they would hear live.
Gear Needed for Field Recording
General Field Recording Equipment:
- Recorder (to record sound)
- Microphone (to collect sound)
- Headphones (for monitoring)
- Cables (to connect the microphone to the recorder)
- Microphone stand
- Wind protector (to reduce microphone noise caused by wind)
Although high-quality recording requires a certain amount of equipment, beginners can start field recording with a handheld recorder, which integrates a microphone and recorder. Handheld recorders are a favorite of many field recordists because they require no setup, can be taken right out of the bag, and record easily.
If you are not sure which handheld recorder to buy, there are
It is popular for its high-quality recording with a full-fledged XY stereo microphone, compact size, and ease of use.
This is a popular handy recorder that is compact.
・TASCAM Portacapture X8 or X6
A handy recorder that supports touch panel operation and 32-bit float recording.

barbe_generative_diary SOUNDS

BGD_SOUNDS offers a diverse range of field recording sound sources, curated specifically for Sound Visualization experiments.Recorded at 192kHz-32bit float, our sound libraries are available for sharing and purchase, providing royalty-free usage rights. Stay updated by following us for the latest information on acquiring the sound sources you need.
Thank you.
barbe_generative_diary, Peco